This document is to be considered as a contract between Serbian Adventure Factory (SAF in further text) and every individual participant of any tour organized by SAF. By booking any of our tours and meeting with our guides, participants agree with everything stated in this document.

Serbian Adventure Factory (SAF) will do its best to provide all information and descriptions of every tour with maximal accuracy.

Our guests are still encouraged to make their own independent inquiries regarding weather conditions for the duration of the tour and the condition of the roads and the terrain over which our tours take place.

For our countryside tours, we do insist on at least two skype meetings with the participants before the tour. First meeting is intended to be an introduction and there we will have a preview of the tour and discuss expectations and possibilities, whereas the second meeting is for tour details, preparations and procedures.

It is the responsibility of each participant to decide whether or not any tour organized by us is suitable and/or appropriate for them.

Participants must act in accordance with the advice of our guide at all times.


SAF, its owners or employees shall not be liable for any events beyond our control such as strikes, natural disasters, wars, terrorism, acts of God, higher power. SAF will do its best to foresee any possible problem or event and warn the participant about it.


SAF and its employees shall not be held responsible for any damages relating to loss of property or injury of any kind to any participant.

Each participant is responsible for its own property, and SAF shall not be liable for a case of theft or damage of participant’s property.

Each participant is responsible for his own safety and the participant must act in such a manner to avoid risky behaviour and prevent any injury. Participant must have its own insurance cover in case of medical issue or injury. SAF shall not be liable for a case of medical problem or injury.


All participants must agree to act in accordance with Serbian laws and ensure that their conduct in no way puts at risk any other participant at an event or during a tour.

In case of a traffic accident which causes damage to the participant or participants on the tour, the participant causing the collision or accident will be held responsible for all damages.

If you fail to conduct in accordance with Serbian laws, our guide has right to stop a tour and remove a participant from it with no refund given.


SAF will not be held responsible for 3rd party actions nor any injury, damages, death, theft, accident or delays to our participants due to the negligence of any 3rd party service that is included in our tours. SAF will make sure that we gather all needed information about 3rd party suppliers but we act only as intermediary and have no current knowledge of any 3rd party conditions.


SAF will investigate all routes beforehand, but we do not have instant knowledge of destination dangers that happened in the meanwhile. SAF will do its best to inform the participant about all issues, but shall not be liable for local problems or sudden climate changes.

Participant on our tour must act in such a manner that it does not put at risk its own safety or the safety of our guide or other participants on the tour. By booking the tour and/or meeting the guide, you accept all the risks of the road, bike paths and cycling in Serbia, including challenging terrain, road hazards, traffic, road conditions, etc.

SAF and its employees or associates cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for the state of the roads or bicycle-paths in Serbia or for the conduct of any driver or other road users.


Each participant is responsible to determine his own level of bike handling ability and decide if he is able to join our tour. Although our tours are optimized for any participant no matter the physical shape, we encourage that you investigate our route beforehand and contact us for any details or questions.

Participants accept all risks to their physical well-being associated with this activity, such as their ability to withstand exposure to the elements, level, and extent of physical exertion, tolerance, and endurance.

Our tours are mostly on public roads (with traffic) and bike-paths while out cycling. The participant must decide if their equipment, speed, physical endurance a biking skill are of appropriate level for a given tour.

All our guides are experienced cyclists and they have the full right to ban a guest from participating on the tour if they deem it unsafe for a guest to participate in a tour for any reason (physical condition, experience, usage of drugs or alcohol, etc.)


SAF will make sure that bikes used on a tour are in excellent condition. It is the responsibility of the participant to check the bike before the tour and make sure that it is in road-worthy condition, and if any problems are found, to report them to the SAF. If the participant starts the tour, it will be considered that the participant accepts all the responsibility for any equipment failure and any resulting problems and/or expenses that may occur concerning their bike. Cycle components and even bike frames can fail unexpectedly for which SAF will accept no responsibility whatsoever.


Participants are encouraged to wear a protective cycle helmet although it is not mandatory by Serbian law. SAF will provide helmets upon request, but we will respect if the participant does not want to wear a helmet. It is mandatory to have front and back lights during night ride and in the tunnels, and SAF will supply lights and reflective vests to the participants.


Every participant on our cycling tour is responsible for his own hand luggage and that any necessary snacks, food, and water are included in their luggage to prevent delay, inconvenience, hardship, and risk caused to themselves and other participants who may be indirectly affected. SAF guides will make sure that there are enough stops along the way to replenish water and other supplies.


Our guides will be in constant contact with the company management, so if the participant has any complaint during the tour he must report it immediately either to the guide or directly contact the management. Each participant will be issued phone with a Serbian sim card, so please report any issue without delay to enable us to resolve matters as soon as possible. If you feel that the matter is serious, you should also file your complaint in writing and send it to us by post, or write us an email.

All complaints are valid if they are sent within seven days from the date of your last day on tour and we can act upon them. If the complaint is sent after that deadline it will not be considered valid, but we will still try to resolve the issue in good faith.


If the participant does not show up at the agreed time and place to start the tour without prior notice, SAF is not obliged to make any kind of refund whatsoever.

If there is a group of participants, and fewer participants than agreed upon shows up on a tour, SAF is not obliged to make any kind of refund to the participants that didn’t show up and it will charge the full agreed price.

This includes costs for the tour as well as additional services and products agreed upon, such as lunch, accommodation, transport-fees, entrance tickets and any other kind of products or services.

Any changes to the tour by the participant (time, place, number of participants, etc.) must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to the tour.

SAF has the right to cancel the tour in case of bad weather conditions or other cataclysmic catastrophes. SAF will decide the severity of these events and act accordingly.

In the case that the tour does not take place due to weather conditions, your full amount will be refunded or upon request, a new date may be selected on which you can participate in the tour. SAF reserves the right to decide if the weather conditions are appropriate to conduct the tour or not. In case the tour will be rescheduled no refund will be made whatsoever. The participant can choose to get 100% refund or 120% credit for any other of our tours.

If SAF decides to cancel the tour for any other reason than mentioned above the client will get a full refund of any amount paid in advance for the tour or will be offered a replacement tour, similar in value as the original tour. Should the client decide to participate in a replacement tour, they will renounce any refund claims that they were initially entitled to.

Deadline for requesting a refund is 15 days after the participant’s return.

SAF will make the following refund, depending on the time of cancelation by the guest:

Seven days before the tour: 100% refund

Between seven and one day before the tour: 50% refund

Less than 24 hours before the tour: no refund

SAF will always try to come to a solution to conduct the tour at  another date or time before claiming the refund.


Each participant must have a passport which is valid at least six months from the participant’s planned return date. The participant is solely responsible for passports validity and visa requirements. The participant should also check its own government travel advisories webpage. The participant should also check WHO travel webpage for any destination health issues. SAF encourage all participants to gather all possible information before traveling to Serbia and do their own investigation about all routes that are used on our tours.


The entire content of this Disclaimer is applicable on all services organized by SAF (City Tours, Countryside Tours and Other Services).


Any dispute between SAF and the participants must be arbitrated by a Serbian Court of Law. Both SAF and the participant hereby accept that any lawsuits must be brought upon that court. SAF will do its best to resolve any issue before it comes to this.